Category Archives: Non classé



Found in the Internet:

 Huschke’s anterior external auditory canal foramen: art before medicine ?


Extremely interesting series about instruments.(In German language, but profusely illustrated):



New historical papers in other journals:

Corrales CE, Mudry A. Was Cheselden’s one-century-long otological writings concordant with his time ?


Mudry A. Gaser fissure, Huguier canal, and Civinini canal: a confused eponymical imbroglio.


De Bree R, Nieweg OC. The history of sentinel node biopsy in head and neck cancer: from vizualisation of lymphatic vessels to sentinel nodes.


Reddy RK, Reddy RK, Jyung RW, Eloy JA, Liu JK. Gruber, Gradenigo, Dorello and Vail: key personalities in the historical evolution and modern-day understanding of Dorell’s canal.


Garrett GL, Beegun I, D’Sousa D. Facial transplantation: historical developments and future directions


Kelly J, Mahalingam S. Surgical treatment of head and neck cancers in the ancient world


Spencer CR. Sir Harold Delf Gillies, the otolaryngologist and father of modern facial plastic surgery: review of his rhinoplasty case notes  ( The Archiv für Ohrenheilkunde (Archive of Otology) : a structural analysis of the first 50 years (1864-1914). By Peinhardt J, Plontke SK, Mudry A, Steger F                                        Published in Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Feb 19. ( What generated the creation of the Archiv für Ohrenheilkunde, the predecessor of this journal, 150 years ago? ) By Mudry A.                                                                                                  Published in Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Feb 14.

For those reading french, I encourage you to download a very interesting book by Jacques Tainmont, published at the Belgian Society which can be downloaded here:

Jacques Tainmont: LA VALISE D’ORPHÉE- Les liens Historiques et Fondamentaux entre l’ORL et les Musiciens (Orpheus´ Case – The Historical and Fundamental links between ENT and Musicians).

This beautiful 783pp book is fully illustrated, mostly in colors.

It has been dedicated to Jacques Willemot of Ghent (1928-2011)

Published in other journals are following historic papers: ( “Who has been hiding in your tonsillectomy tray? Eponymous instruments in tonsillectomy surgery“.                                                                                                                                                               Published in: J Laryngol Otol. 2015 Feb 6:1-7. )  (“Instruments in rhinoplasty: who is behind the name?”                                                                                                                                                                                                              Published in:  J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2015 Jan;68(1):87-92 )